Real Real Housewife of America?? Whaaaat?!
I want to share things I have learned, my life and randomness. So I have been putting this off for a while but some of my friends have requested that I start a blog. When I looked up how to start a blog, I found one problem, I need to stick to one subject. The truth is everyday I have random thoughts that I just couldn't narrow it down to one but I love so many things that women love, feel what women feel and experience what they experience so why not start a collective blog on randomness. You know, I mean so much goes on in our lives, why limit ourselves? So here I am blogging world. Regardless if one person or 1,000,000 read this. I am sharing my thoughts with someone other than myself, a piece of paper or a wall. I want to share my thoughts, my ideas, my feelings.
So why do I call myself the Real Real Housewife of America? I came up with this name because I have been watching a lot of TV and have enough friends to recognize that not all housewives live in mansions, drive fancy schmancy cars, and consider their education and career in shopping all day long. Most of us live in 3 bedroom homes, we budget, we save, we look for coupons and sales, and we work hard inside or outside of the home. We dream of the real housewife life from TV but in all reality, those of us who don't carry Prada bags, wear jimmy choos while driving around in a brand new BMW without blinking twice are the real housewives. Thats us. We are part of the 90% of America that makes less than six figures a year. We are more likely to be found sporting a Coach bag instead of a Chanel bag. If we are driving a brand new car, it most likely will be a Toyota, Honda, Ford, Hyundai or Volkswagen etc. We do our own cooking, cleaning and laundry on a regular basis. We take only 1-2 vacations a year which we need to save up for throughout the year when we aren't vacationing. We think of ways to make money from home so we can take care of the kids. We struggle to find good babysitters so we can go on a well deserved date with our husbands. We make decisions as to whether we should splurge on Charmin or just get Angel Soft because its all going to trash anyway. We may not have it all but we have more than we need. We live the American dream and although we are not rich and famous, we can bask in the joy that we are the real housewives of America.

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